This is a simple free online tool that allows you to transform your input text in various ways including changing case, copying to clipboard, and clearing the text field.
How to Use
Simply enter your text into the text field, then use the buttons below to transform your text as desired. You can copy the text to clipboard, clear the text field, or transform the text's case in various ways.
Function of Each Buttons
Upper Case: All input text letters will be converted to Upper Case (Capital Letters).
Sentence Case: First letter of each sentence will be converted to Upper Case.
Alternating: Making first letter upper case and next letter lower case and so on.
Toggle Case: This will make first letter lower case and next letter upper case and so on.
Title Case: Title Case will make first letter of each word Upper case.
Copy to Clipboard: By clicking this button converted text could be coppied.
Clear: By clicking this button input text will be cleared.