Normally I used to spent 2-3 hours daily on Facebook on normal days. One day I thought would’n it be batter if I could spent that much of time on my own blog instead of Facebook. That thought changed my mind I register a free blog on Blogspot and that’s the way I have beaten my Facebook addiction.
Today I’ll share an awesome infographic by Whoishostingthis on “How to Beat Facebook Addiction” that may help you too to overcame your Facebook addiction if you are one.
Hey! don’t get me wrong I am also a big fan of Facebook and I think you should use Facebook as this is the place where you can get direct messages and news from all your friends and relatives. I found many of my lost childhood friends on it, and surely Facebook helped me to wish my friends on their birthdays but be careful not let Facebook to use you.
Great Posting…
Keep doing it…
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The blog you presented was very nice
Good Decision. And also thank you for sharing.
Thanks for Sharing
Because many peopels are addicted facebook and thos peopels are read this article defentily overcame the facebook.
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You saved my friends life for the past few months he was fully addicted to facebook yesterday i saw your post and share with him now he is realize that what he is doing now he is deleted his fb account i got my friend back by you any way thank you man
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Thanks for sharing your inspirational story. It was really helpful.
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